Monday, March 3, 2008

Knitting Projects

If you're looking for new knitting projects like my pal, Ali, check out some of these knit goods. Very cool:

This is the chicken viking hat. You can find a pattern for the baby size at Aloha Misc Media House. An adult sized pattern is on Crafter.

But if you're not really in the mood for chicken, how about hand knit boobs? These are actually used for medical purposes so put that dirty brain of yours back where it belongs. You can find a pattern for them on, a source for many wierd and wonderful patterns including felted skate blade covers, a knit wig with curlers and a handknit womb.

Perhaps none of these are quite strange enough for your taste. If not, take a look at what the knitters at knittaplease are doing. For reasons entirely beyond my comprehension, they are knitting covers for everything from car antennas to the Great Wall of China and pretty much anything in between.

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